torsdag 10. desember 2009

Checked this morning before leaving for work. Oslo: 0mm precip (while it's raining). I think that they put 0mm just out of mischief.

mandag 7. desember 2009

Askeladden slippes fri på nett

mandag 30. november 2009

Interesting reading for flexus users:

fredag 27. november 2009

New post: Setting /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin in bash PATH for Mac OSX Snow Leopard for all users (

torsdag 26. november 2009

Device spells doom for superbugs

onsdag 25. november 2009

ICANN condemns registry DNS redirection

mandag 23. november 2009

New post: Abridged audiobooks - I just don't get the point (

onsdag 18. november 2009

New flickr pic: The Unreal Sea: Chris Searle posted a photo:

mandag 16. november 2009

Don't think busses like the rain. Supposed to be every 6 min. Display says in 15, 16, 18 and 19 min. :-(

mandag 9. november 2009

#komplett - neste dag levering ved bestilling før kl9. Men da burde de starte plukking før kl10:40 for bestillinger fra kvelden før. Skuffet

torsdag 5. november 2009

Dreamy programmers:
New post: iPhone 3G - third party apps won't start after reset - issues and workarounds (

mandag 2. november 2009

New post: Fun with Flexus (

mandag 26. oktober 2009

Latest Intellij Idea EAP build seems far far less stable than the previous one :(

onsdag 21. oktober 2009

Nice article on Maurice Sendak/Where the WIld Things Are -

tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

#flexusfeil i morges. Leseren på bussen sier ingen billett. NSB sitt leser og sier gyldig fram til 1. nov #ruter #flexus

torsdag 15. oktober 2009

Let's resend that with a description ;) Intellij IDEA open sourced

mandag 12. oktober 2009

Testing google wave/appengine/python API with a little flickr image retrieval robot
I wonder if the #googlewave online status (dot) will only be enabled again once some level of privacy protection is in place? #wave #TwPhCh on black ;)

fredag 9. oktober 2009

Wish that the flickr API had better support for group discussion groups *sigh*

onsdag 23. september 2009

Testing -

lørdag 19. september 2009

Yay! top right column

fredag 18. september 2009

Apple to TNT - two DVD's. TNT to me via Posten - 1 DVD. No-one seems to know where the other is :(

mandag 14. september 2009

New post: Twitter Photochallenge trip to Gressholmen (

lørdag 5. september 2009

New post: Using maven-exec-plugin to store the current git sha in a build (

torsdag 6. august 2009

Payment terminal today. Balance 28,00 kr - add 100 kr and get new balance 127,998 kr. I want my 0,2 øre back ;) #precisionfail ?

onsdag 5. august 2009

PGP keys replaced - new keys work: BB80AB21, private: D4BF0A41 - should be available on the keyservers soon.

tirsdag 4. august 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and tethering for NetCom - official support (

lørdag 1. august 2009

Firewall reinstalled (lenny now - not etch) - config retrieved from change control - back up and running ;)
Glad that I have my config files under change control. CF card seems dead - partition table is there but nothing mountable in the partition
Stunning - return home to Grub Error 17 from the firewall (partition order doesn't match what grub thinks). D/L a boot cd to fix it now

fredag 31. juli 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and tethering for NetCom - update (

onsdag 8. juli 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and stereo bluetooth - it does support AVRCP - just not all of it (

lørdag 27. juni 2009

Safari 4 - why does view source of an RSS feed show the generated HTML instead of the feed itself :(

onsdag 24. juni 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and stereo bluetooth - missing AVRCP (
Fun.Click on an account link in skandiabankens mobile site (iPhone/Safari)-it offers to call the account number instead of opening the page

fredag 19. juni 2009

iPhone 3.0 A2DP - stereo music over bluetooth - good. Missing AVRCP so can't FF/RW/change track (skip/scan) - irritating.

torsdag 18. juni 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and tethering for NetCom (
Bah - NetCom kunderservice sier at de har valgt å ikke støtte tethering på iPhone med den nye 3.0 firmware #netcomfail

tirsdag 16. juni 2009

Garmin - why does your plugin test page say that the plugin is installed but the map install page say that it isn't?

fredag 12. juni 2009

Sims3 on OSX 10.5 crashing? Using time capsule? Try disabling time machine while playing (remember to re-enable afterwards) #sims3 #osx

onsdag 10. juni 2009

Need http headers plugin but are stuck on IE instead of firefox - - saved me a lot of debug time :)
Laptop has been fixed for nearly a week - just no-one thought to let me know.

tirsdag 9. juni 2009

two weeks tomorrow - wonder if I'll get my laptop back any time soon?

fredag 29. mai 2009

Laptop - having travelled to Stavanger is now on its way back to Oslo. Wonder if anything happend while it was away? Like getting fixed?

torsdag 28. mai 2009

Google Maps API v3 -

onsdag 27. mai 2009

Hmm - laptop has been sent to Eplehuset Stavanger - wonder if it will send me a postcard?
Home laptop in for service - two weeks no home PC :(

torsdag 14. mai 2009

Noe rødt - men fungere det når jeg er kommet hjem? #twphch

onsdag 13. mai 2009

Just back from JMJ concert - :-)

søndag 10. mai 2009

New post: Geotagging for aperture (

fredag 8. mai 2009

Just received The Hot Shoe Diaries - now - all I need is time to read :)

mandag 4. mai 2009

Some new shots up at

tirsdag 28. april 2009

Just worked out that I owe NOK 7854,- less than the tax office says I do. Yay for foreldrefradraget!

torsdag 23. april 2009

We need a social network for solipsists. Perhaps I can imagine one?

mandag 20. april 2009

Finally collected a stamp in my passport for permanent residence. The police had managed to clean their machines for virus so they were able to process it :)

lørdag 18. april 2009

New post: Hudson CI testing for grails from git (
New post: Time machine on a large external disk as a sparseimage (

mandag 13. april 2009

Google app engine for java. Seems pretty stable but there's still work to do. Test app/scratch area: