fredag 29. mai 2009

Laptop - having travelled to Stavanger is now on its way back to Oslo. Wonder if anything happend while it was away? Like getting fixed?

torsdag 28. mai 2009

Google Maps API v3 -

onsdag 27. mai 2009

Hmm - laptop has been sent to Eplehuset Stavanger - wonder if it will send me a postcard?
Home laptop in for service - two weeks no home PC :(

torsdag 14. mai 2009

Noe rødt - men fungere det når jeg er kommet hjem? #twphch

onsdag 13. mai 2009

Just back from JMJ concert - :-)

søndag 10. mai 2009

New post: Geotagging for aperture (

fredag 8. mai 2009

Just received The Hot Shoe Diaries - now - all I need is time to read :)

mandag 4. mai 2009

Some new shots up at