lørdag 27. juni 2009

Safari 4 - why does view source of an RSS feed show the generated HTML instead of the feed itself :(

onsdag 24. juni 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and stereo bluetooth - missing AVRCP (http://ping.fm/znrOf)
Fun.Click on an account link in skandiabankens mobile site (iPhone/Safari)-it offers to call the account number instead of opening the page

fredag 19. juni 2009

iPhone 3.0 A2DP - stereo music over bluetooth - good. Missing AVRCP so can't FF/RW/change track (skip/scan) - irritating.

torsdag 18. juni 2009

New post: iPhone 3.0 firmware release and tethering for NetCom (http://ping.fm/d5i5s)
Bah - NetCom kunderservice sier at de har valgt å ikke støtte tethering på iPhone med den nye 3.0 firmware #netcomfail

tirsdag 16. juni 2009

Garmin - why does your plugin test page say that the plugin is installed but the map install page say that it isn't?

fredag 12. juni 2009

Sims3 on OSX 10.5 crashing? Using time capsule? Try disabling time machine while playing (remember to re-enable afterwards) #sims3 #osx

onsdag 10. juni 2009

Need http headers plugin but are stuck on IE instead of firefox - http://bit.ly/PNPCy - saved me a lot of debug time :)
Laptop has been fixed for nearly a week - just no-one thought to let me know.

tirsdag 9. juni 2009

two weeks tomorrow - wonder if I'll get my laptop back any time soon?