søndag 24. oktober 2010

Tunnelling IPv6 from a mac over IPv4 tunnel through a debian firewall using tunnelbroker.net: http://ping.fm/5zIzt

onsdag 20. oktober 2010

Java Apps banned from new mac app store: http://ping.fm/b5seN
Java deprecated on Mac OS X?: http://ping.fm/tNlGe

onsdag 29. september 2010

Nexus repository manager with LDAP users: http://ping.fm/zGLmo
Importing custom CA certificates to OSX: http://ping.fm/SJ8xh

fredag 17. september 2010

javaBin/JavaZone video stream - subscribe as video podcast in iTunes: http://ping.fm/sTnAG

tirsdag 31. august 2010

iPhone app for #JavaZone updated - version 1.0.2 now available in the app store: http://bit.ly/jziapp

mandag 30. august 2010

tirsdag 24. august 2010

This could get interesting: Time waits for no one: 'Leap seconds' may be cut http://ping.fm/FrfS8

lørdag 21. august 2010

iPhone app for #javazone now approved and available in the app store: http://ping.fm/EjMIF

fredag 13. august 2010

#JavaZone music video finally released! http://ping.fm/IYGw5 ;)

fredag 6. august 2010

onsdag 4. august 2010

torsdag 29. juli 2010

Shared: PopCap Removes Dancing Zombie From Plants vs Zombies http://ow.ly/18lltw
ID card astroturf - No2ID beats the truth out of IPS < Can't say I'm surprised http://ping.fm/yvAaD
Why do people ask if you feel older on a birthday? We age a day per day. So - today I feel 37+1day old - yet nobody asks. Yesterday 7 did ;)

mandag 26. juli 2010

Shared: JavaZone 2010 agenda app for iPhone - updated demo http://ow.ly/18iN5z

lørdag 24. juli 2010

New flickr pic: Aremark skies - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/18h6Ih

tirsdag 20. juli 2010

"Nikon D90 sequel's details firm up" - interesting but what vid codec - still motion jpeg or something useful? http://ping.fm/7U8KG
"Similar to Snail Mail" - got to admit this one got a grin http://ping.fm/elaQE

torsdag 8. juli 2010

SCO rises from the dead (again) - not sure I can believe this http://ping.fm/qM6mc

onsdag 7. juli 2010

New flickr pic: Hoppalong - Chris Searle posted a photo: Sitting pretty under a potato plant http://ow.ly/182wbq
New flickr pic: Sun, sand and sky - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/182wbr

søndag 27. juni 2010

New flickr pic: Elizabeth - Chris Searle posted a photo: Elizabeth at the playground in Gaustad woods near to Ri... http://ow.ly/17Ub7Y

fredag 25. juni 2010

Shared: Google fjernsletter Android-innhold - - Vi hadde håpet å ikke måtte bruke denne mekanismen. http://ow.ly/17SCE2

fredag 11. juni 2010

Shared: Linux wins the SCO vs Novell case - Six-year battle won by lawyers, and Novell The six-year-long Novell-SCO ... http://ow.ly/17H9nC

onsdag 9. juni 2010

Shared: Microsoft avliver i praksis Office XP - Selskapet sier det er umulig å fjerne kritisk sårbarhet. http://ow.ly/17FLrP

tirsdag 8. juni 2010

mandag 7. juni 2010

Flexus ticket payment - money taken but no ticket :(: http://ping.fm/Ai9q7

torsdag 3. juni 2010

torsdag 27. mai 2010

Just realised. I moved to Norway 10 years ago this week :)

onsdag 26. mai 2010

Shared: Må underskrive selvmordsavtale - IT-selskap med ekstraordinære tiltak etter selvmordsbølge ved gigantfabrik... http://ow.ly/17vKfO

tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Shared: Twitter Photo Challenge voting app development http://ow.ly/17uyTW

mandag 17. mai 2010

New flickr pic: Philip - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/17p0Yp
New flickr pic: Elizabeth - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/17p0Yo

søndag 2. mai 2010

Hmm - can't see if it's possible to set Bind9/DHCP3 DDNS (interim) to allocate CNAMES in addition to A records from DHCP - anyone?

fredag 30. april 2010

Shared: Paper Bridge - One Level - Two iPhones - Two different results? http://ow.ly/17e849
Shared: Microsoft mostly sides with Apple in HTML5 fight - Microsoft late Thursday said it largely sided with Apple... http://ow.ly/17e0cd

torsdag 29. april 2010

Shared: SCO: jurors too busy Facebooking to rule on Unix claim http://ow.ly/17dvz7

onsdag 28. april 2010

Want to see what facebooks new social graph (opengraph) is telling others about you? See zesty.ca/facebook

mandag 26. april 2010

New post: Playstation 3 lost wireless contact to controllers/BD remote after 3.30 update (http://ping.fm/oAgZ2)

torsdag 22. april 2010

New flickr pic: Evening silk - Chris Searle posted a photo: Taken for this weeks #TwPhCh challenge - 050 - Lang... http://ow.ly/1792vo
Shared: The iPad will doom humanity to painful bog-roll horror http://ow.ly/178NRb

onsdag 21. april 2010

Shared: An Engineer's Guide to Cats http://ow.ly/1788tn

søndag 18. april 2010

Shared: Scouts membership grows to 500,000 — more quickly than for a generation http://ow.ly/176u9Y

søndag 11. april 2010

New flickr pic: Sognsvann - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/172wPO
New flickr pic: Accidental bokeh - Chris Searle posted a photo: I'll have to admit to this one being a total ac... http://ow.ly/172wPP

torsdag 8. april 2010

http://bit.ly/cxyrn9 why does most of the world get 20x30" while Europe is stuck with 20x30cm? Come on Apple, cm are not the same as inches.

søndag 4. april 2010

New flickr pic: Philip at Sognsvann - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16YBnJ
New flickr pic: Elizabeth - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16YBnG
New flickr pic: Elizabeth at Sognsvann - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16YBnI
New flickr pic: Philip at Sognsvann - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16YBnH
New flickr pic: Sognsvann - Chris Searle posted a photo: Just playing with some odd settings at the extremes of t... http://ow.ly/16YBnK

onsdag 31. mars 2010

New post: Ruby on Rails and IE 8 - respond_to and HTTP accept headers (http://ping.fm/ejHVx)

mandag 22. mars 2010

Learn a New Photography Trick or Two; Entire BBC Photo Masterclasses Now Available Online [Photography Tip] http://ping.fm/cn4T9

mandag 15. mars 2010

New post: Struts2 i18n where application default locale doesn't match app server locale (http://ping.fm/7oeq9)

søndag 14. mars 2010

New flickr pic: Wegner - Chris Searle posted a photo: The family grave in the grounds of Vestre Aker Kirke http://ow.ly/16NGdb
New flickr pic: Vestre Aker Kirke - Chris Searle posted a photo: Pushing HDR a little past where it starts showin... http://ow.ly/16NGd9
New flickr pic: Vestre Aker Kirke - Chris Searle posted a photo: The depth of field on this one is halfway betwee... http://ow.ly/16NGda

fredag 5. mars 2010

New flickr pic: Elizabeth - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16JaAr

torsdag 4. mars 2010

New flickr pic: Winter Wonderland - Chris Searle posted a photo: Water that has dripped from the roof down onto b... http://ow.ly/16IENA

søndag 28. februar 2010

New flickr pic: Flecks in snow - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16Glh9
New flickr pic: Flecks in snow - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16Glha
New flickr pic: Flecks in snow - Chris Searle posted a photo: http://ow.ly/16Glhb

torsdag 25. februar 2010

Shared: Krever straffetiltak mot åpen kildekode - Lobbyister i USA mener fri programvare svekker respekten for opph... http://ow.ly/16F2Tz
Shared: Oracle gir opp OpenSSO - Nytt norsk programvarehus tar initiativ for friprog-prosjektets fremtid. http://ow.ly/16F2Ty

onsdag 24. februar 2010

Shared: BBC iPlayer rejects open source plugins, takes Flash-only path http://ow.ly/16EoSo

tirsdag 23. februar 2010

Shared: Nexus One in trigger-happy 999-dialling bother - Google handset has hysterics after update Google's Nexus O... http://ow.ly/16DT8J

søndag 21. februar 2010

New post: A really weird #NextGenTel router issue (http://ping.fm/LuRZ7)

mandag 8. februar 2010

Shared: Microsoft kills FAST's Linux and Unix search biz - Values your business on Windows Customers of FAST's Ente... http://ow.ly/16wYrE
Microsoft kills FAST's Linux and Unix search biz http://ping.fm/zrORj

fredag 5. februar 2010

New post: iSCSI on the ReadyNAS NV+ and OSX Snow Leopard (http://ping.fm/8l9Bz)

torsdag 4. februar 2010

So - let's see if this ReadyNAS NV+ is willing to talk iSCSI and if it's any faster ;)

tirsdag 2. februar 2010

New post: Flexus confused (http://ping.fm/dhvfD)

tirsdag 26. januar 2010

Shared: Hvorfor snakker Brannmann Sam om nakenbilder? - Se NRKs tekst-tabbe. http://ow.ly/16qqbH

fredag 22. januar 2010

Browse Flickr Photos Full Screen Sans Add-Ons [Flickr]: You'll find no shortage of browser add-ons for the popu.. http://bit.ly/50BAHt

torsdag 21. januar 2010

New post: PHP segmentation fault if both curl and postgres modules loaded (debian) (http://ping.fm/16th0)

torsdag 14. januar 2010

iPhone-kontrollert helikopter imponerer:
iPhonen og iPhone-utviklere slutter aldri å imponere og vi må virkeli.. http://bit.ly/6lfTib
Why Nikon as Video Cam Doesn’t Stand Up to Canon as Video Cam:
I love Nikon camera bodies and lenses. This is .. http://bit.ly/8E85ob
Font Conference: I favorited a YouTube video: This video wasn't long enough, so we made it double-spaced.

Wa.. http://bit.ly/81w1Wi
Subscribed to terjeelde: I subscribed to terjeelde’s channel on YouTube. http://bit.ly/7HRbbH
Mouse nest found in London copper's paperwork: 'A little embarrassed' by untidy desk A South London copper has .. http://bit.ly/7JSsUK

tirsdag 12. januar 2010

Opened Notes (phone) -discovered the note "Grandma got run over by a reindeer". I've no recollection of this at all. Where did it come from?

mandag 11. januar 2010

For some reason -11 today felt much much colder to breathe/on exposed skin than last week at -19

søndag 10. januar 2010

New flickr pic: Havna allé in the snow (larger crop): Chris Searle posted a photo:

This is www.. http://bit.ly/5OcSmL

lørdag 9. januar 2010

New flickr pic: Havna allé in the snow: Chris Searle posted a photo:

View On Black http://bit.ly/8zIv6d
New flickr pic: Havna allé in the snow: Chris Searle posted a photo: http://bit.ly/5y1iVT

fredag 8. januar 2010

New post: Jabra BT3030 volume with iPhone (http://ping.fm/SnA9U)

mandag 4. januar 2010

New flickr pic: Elizabeth watching the Elves in Santas Grotto: Chris Searle posted a photo:

El.. http://bit.ly/56MIkV
New flickr pic: Phioné: Chris Searle posted a photo: http://bit.ly/4xiqgj
New flickr pic: Dawn: Chris Searle posted a photo: http://bit.ly/6iuDJ3
New flickr pic: Phioné: Chris Searle posted a photo: http://bit.ly/4RyW2a